1. How much does a new website cost?

We have a different packages, our lowest being the Lite Package (pricing). Most of our packages pricing are customized to each specific project after brainstorming with you to work towards achieving the desired results.

2. Do you create Wordpress websites?

Yes we do. We can create on Wordpress, or WIX or shopify, or any other drag and drop template platform. While we do and can use those types of platforms, the majority of our apps our not built on those services to provide reliability, meet custom project requirements, and provide better results and solutions.

3. Will you maintain my site for me?

Regular maintenance is essential for a website to stabilize its flexibility and reliability. Proper maintenance would help in ensuring your website's security, invite new visitors, and boost traffic. We offer services to maintain your website.

4. Limitations

Yes, we develop responsive web apps that would appeal to your visitors and deliver an optimized experience.

5. How long does it take to build an App?

If only ordering the Lite package Website services it can take a little as one week for delivery. For Standard Apps it would take around 1 to 4 months depending on features and desired and optimal solution architecture.

6. Do you host the App?

We do not host the app, you will have to choose a provider and will make professional recommendations suitable to provide you with the best solution for your application.

7. Can I update my app myself once it's built?

Yes, you can update it and we encourage our clients to make regular updates to content on your site. App intergrations will be upgraded through the third party service in most cases. We can provide a backend gateway to update things in your app that you will regularly want to update. We can also provide you with documentation of the Application build so that you can update other features in the future.

8. I already have a website, how esay is it to change and update it?

The difficulty depends on what changes are required same for the amount of time that it takes. Please contact us so that we can learn more about your specific project.

9. How long will it take to get to the 1st page of Google?

It is normal that it can take a minimum of 6 months for your website to appear on the 1st page of Google search. This varies depending on keywords and competitors in your niche SEO.

10. Does my web App to be updated to HTTPS instead of HTTP?

It is essential to update your website with HTTPs instead of HTTP as HTTPs is considered to solve data protection issues. Your data will be protected by encrypting it with an SSL certificate.

11. Will I own the source code?

Yes, you will be assigned copyright or license rights for the code that we write for your project. We are transparent with intellectual property rights, and you will have the opportunity to review our code owenership terms before the project begins.

11. Will I own the source code?

Yes, you will be assigned copyright or license rights for the code that we write for your project. We are transparent with intellectual property rights, and you will have the opportunity to review our code owenership terms before the project begins.

12. How do you handle data sharing between my web app and mobile app if I have both?

We create a central database that will hold all your data; we then put an interface to allow the web and mobile apps to send and receive the data.

13. How will you handle project payments from us?

Projects under $2000 we will take 100% payment at project kickoff.
Projects %2000 to $5000, we will invoice a 50% opening deposit on completion of the work.
For larger scopes of work above $5000 we will split payments over the life of the project at monthly intervals or a customized schedule.