The Pros and Cons of Developing a Web App vs. a Native App

Web apps and native apps are two types of mobile applications that businesses can develop to reach customers on their smartphones and tablets. Each type of app has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and choosing between them can be a difficult decision. In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of web apps vs. native apps to help you make an informed choice for your business.

Web Apps: Advantages and Disadvantages

Web apps are mobile applications that run inside a web browser, such as Safari or Chrome. Unlike native apps, web apps are not downloaded from an app store but instead are accessed through a URL. Here are some of the pros and cons of developing a web app:


    Cross-platform compatibility: Since web apps run inside a web browser, they can be accessed on any device with a browser and an internet connection. This means that web apps can be developed once and used on multiple platforms, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

    Ease of deployment and maintenance: Web apps can be deployed instantly, without the need for app store approval or updates. They can also be maintained and updated more easily, as changes can be made directly to the server hosting the app.

    Lower development costs: Developing a web app can be less expensive than developing a native app, as web app developers can use standard web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


    Limited functionality: Web apps have limited access to device hardware and software, such as camera, GPS, and push notifications. This can limit the functionality of the app and make it less user-friendly than a native app.

    Ease of deployment and maintenance: Web apps can be slower and less responsive than native apps, especially on older or slower devices. This can result in a poor user experience and lower engagement.

    Lower development costs: Web apps are not listed in app stores, so they can be harder to discover and download for users.

Native Apps: Advantages and Disadvantages

Native apps are mobile applications that are downloaded and installed directly onto a device, from an app store such as the Apple App Store or Google Play. Native apps are written in programming languages specific to the platform they are developed for, such as Swift for iOS or Java for Android. Here are some of the pros and cons of developing a native app:


    Higher performance: Native apps are designed specifically for a platform, so they can take advantage of device-specific hardware and software to provide faster performance and a better user experience.

    More functionality: Native apps have greater access to device hardware and software, such as camera, GPS, and push notifications. This allows for more advanced functionality and a richer user experience.

    Greater discoverability: Native apps are listed in app stores, making them more discoverable and easier to download for users.


    Higher development costs: Developing a native app can be more expensive than developing a web app, as it requires specialized skills and knowledge of platform-specific programming languages and frameworks.

    Platform-specific development: Native apps must be developed separately for each platform they are intended to run on, which can increase development time and cost.

    Greater complexity: Native apps can be more complex to develop and maintain, as they require coordination with app store approval processes and updates.

Ultimately, the choice between a web app and a native app depends on your specific business needs and goals. Web apps may be a good choice if cross-platform compatibility and ease of deployment and maintenance are important to you, while native apps may be a better fit if you require more advanced functionality and greater discoverability. If you are trying to decide between the two, it may be helpful to consider the following questions:

    - What features do you need your app to have?
    - What devices and platforms do you want your app to run on?
    - What is your budget for development and maintenance?
    - What level of performance and user experience do you want to provide?

By answering these questions and weighing the pros and cons of each option, you can make an informed decision that meets the specific needs of your business and target audience.

In summary, both web apps and native apps have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the decision between the two depends on your specific business needs and goals. By understanding the differences between web apps and native apps and evaluating your own needs, you can make an informed decision that meets the needs of your business and your users. To get a consultation from our team of experts about whether a native or web app is best for your project, click the button below.